ILkContact Interface

ILkContacts is an interface for accessing Windows Live Mail Contact data.

The ILkContact type exposes the following members.



Public property BadgeActualObjectStoreName Retrieves object store name of the contact.
Public property Birthdate Retrieves a Birthday date of the contact.
Public property CanMobileMessage Checks if a contact can accept mobile messages.
Public property CapabilityIsBot Checks if the contact is a bot.
Public property CapabilityMobileOnline Retrieves a mobile capability of the contact.
Public property Comments Retrieves comments associated with the contact.
Public property CompanyName Retrieves a company name of the contact.
Public property CurrentMedia Retrieves a media of the contact.
Public property DefaultEmail Retrieves a default email of the contact.
Public property DefaultEmailType Retrieves a default email type of the contact.
Public property DefaultIM Retrieves a default IM address of the contact.
Public property DefaultPhone Retrieves a default phone of the contact.
Public property FederatedAddress Retrieves a federated address of the contact.
Public property FirstName Retrieves a first name of the contact.
Public property FullName Retrieves a full name of the contact.
Public property HomeCity Retrieves a city of the contact.
Public property HomeCountry Retrieves a country of the contact.
Public property HomeEmail Retrieves a personal email of the contact.
Public property HomeFax Retrieves a personal fax of the contact.
Public property HomePhone Retrieves a personal phone of the contact.
Public property HomeState Retrieves a state of the contact.
Public property HomeStreet Retrieves a street address of the contact.
Public property HomeWebSite Retrieves a personal website address of the contact.
Public property HomeZipCode Retrieves a ZIP code of the contact.
Public property Id Retrieves an id of the contact.
Public property IsHidingFrom Checks if contact is hidden.
Public property IsMessenger4Buddy Checks if a contact is from messenger version 4.
Public property JobTitle Retrieves a job title of the contact.
Public property LastName Retrieves a last name of the contact.
Public property Messenger4 Retrieves a messenger version 4 user name of the contact.
Public property MiddleName Retrieves a middle name of the contact.
Public property MobilePhone Retrieves a mobile phone of the contact.
Public property MsnAddress Retrieves a msn address of the contact.
Public property Name Retrieves a title of the contact.
Public property NickName Retrieves a nick name of the contact.
Public property OtherEmail Retrieves an other email of the contact.
Public property OtherIMEmail Retrieves an other IM address of the contact.
Public property OtherPhone Retrieves an other phone of the contact.
Public property Pager Retrieves a pager of the contact.
Public property StatusMessage Retrieves a status message of the contact.
Public property StatusState Retrieves online status state of the contact.
Public property UnresolvedEmail Retrieves an unresolved email of the contact.
Public property UserTileFilePath Retrieves a file path of the contact tile.
Public property WorkCity Retrieves a work city of the contact.
Public property WorkCountry Retrieves a company country of the contact.
Public property WorkEmail Retrieves a work email of the contact.
Public property WorkPhone Retrieves a work phone of the contact.
Public property WorkState Retrieves a company state of the contact.
Public property WorkStreet Retrieves a work address of the contact.
Public property WorkWebSite Retrieves a company website of the contact.
Public property WorkZipCode Retrieves a company ZIP code of the contact.
Public property Wvid Retrieves an id of the contact.
See Also